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Trouble Shooting
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Installation Problems
Setup Problems
NT Service
Unresolved Problems

Well, it's probably not a good sign that you ended up here and  I'm definitely sorry that something has gone wrong. However, before you fire off that angry e-mail please read the Support page and take some time to read through the following trouble shooting pages. This might save us both a lot of time.

For trouble shooting purposes I classify problems as follows:

Installation Problems

Try this section if you can't get DynamIP installed properly on your system (e.g.  DynamIP crashes at start-up before you even see the DynamIP window). 95% of all installation problems can be tracked to either missing files or wrong versions! Please make sure that your system satisfies all the requirements (they depend on your OS version [Win95/98/NT]). Make sure that you have all the files listed on the page Required Files (incl. the VB6 runtime files and the correct version of comctl32.dll) on your system before you go through the list of Installation Problems. Another common problem is a corrupt registry. It is a good idea to get RegClean (Freeware from Microsoft; the latest version is v4.1a) and clean up your registry before you install DynamIP.

Setup Problems

You have managed to install DynamIP properly but there are some configuration issues which you have not been able to resolve by consulting the Setup pages. If you don't find answers on these pages you might also want to check out the DynamIP Discussion Group. If your screen resolution is so small that you can't see all the fields of the Setup window, read the hint on how to move the Setup window (or upgrade your video subsystem...).

NT Service Problems

You have managed to install DynamIP properly but there are some problems if you want to run DynamIP as an NT Service which you have not been able to resolve by consulting the DynamIP NT Service page. Very frequently I get questions regarding dial-up passwords...


Unresolved Problems


Problems related to IE5

IE5 (final release) and DynamIP v3.50 have coexisted nicely on most systems (which obviously doesn't mean that they will do the same on yours, but at least it's worth a try if want to give IE5 a shot).

If you've solved a problem that's not mentioned on any of these pages, I kindly ask you to drop me a line so that I can spread your wisdom.

Last modified: April 05, 1999
OFFLINE visitors since May 1, 1998

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